The Time Has Come to Erase All Your
Preconceptions of Stuffy Lawyers...
Jarvis is here to LIFT your legacy, business, & life
in an entirely new way.
business consulting & Family Estate Planning
Quick & Easy Family And Asset Protection Planning Tips, Tricks & Tools Every Parent Needs To Know!
FREE 18-Minute Estate Planning Class
Can You Relate?
- Am I making the best decisions to protect my business, intellectual property, brand, products, and services?
- Have I done what I need to do to plan for my family in the event I am ever no longer able to provide?
- Am I doing all I can to protect my legacy and the future for my family?
If you are looking for an hourly, document-driven attorney, that is not me. If you are looking for a trusted advisor to guide you and your family through all the stages of your estate plan, let’s get to the real talk.

what does it mean to
empower your legacy?
We’ve developed unique systems to give you the same access to a Personal Family Lawyer as was previously only available to the likes of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Sam Walton. These systems give you the guidance you need to build and maintain a life of prosperity and leave a legacy of Family Wealth.
If you own a business, we provide industry disrupting general counsel services to offer day-to-day legal, financial, and business growth advising to provide the confidence you need to take the risks business ownership requires and receive the rewards that business ownership promises.
Family Wealth is so much more than financial wealth. It really encompasses everything you care about; even more than money, your values, insights, stories, experience — your intellectual, spiritual, and human assets.
Want to learn the Eleven Expensive Legal Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make and How to Save Yourself a Boatload On Legal Fees By Not Making Them?
Attorney & Strategic Advisor
Todd Jarvis
Todd Jarvis founded Jarvis after he and his wife, Jayna, experienced every parent’s worst nightmare. They found themselves standing in the pediatrician’s office, hearing words that no parent wants to hear. After reviewing the lab work, the pediatrician asked them if they wanted to rush their boys to the hospital themselves or arrange for an ambulance.
Just a few short weeks earlier, Todd and Jayna were home again with their brood of healthy children. Their children’s diagnosis got Todd thinking about the curveballs life throws our way. What would happen to the kids if he or his wife were suddenly hospitalized or killed in an accident? Where would the state place the kids while sorting out guardianship matters? No one wants to think about those possibilities, but unexpected life changes happen to everyone.
Todd realized that they needed to have a plan in place to protect their seven kids, their businesses, and their assets in case something ever happened to himself or Jayna. What’s more, Todd began thinking about the countless other families and business owners that were unprepared for catastrophic events. He decided it was time to leave the law firm where he had been practicing, and start his own firm, focusing on family estate planning and business consulting.
Not Just a lawfirm
We Are in the Business of Building Relationships
Jarvis isn’t your average law firm. Our team is comprised of approachable and accessible professionals who form true partnerships with our clients. We are in the business of building relationships. Any law firm can provide you with enforceable legal documentation, but Jarvis goes beyond to provide you with a trusted advisor who helps you weather the storms that life throws your way. As industry disrupters, we’re committed to providing an exceptional level of service that cares for our clients throughout the lifecycle of their family or their business.